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 2.000 - 3.000 TL

What Is Dental Scaling?

Professional dental scaling is the process of cleaning the yellow or brownish color on the teeth and the tartar that can be noticed on the teeth by dentists.

How Are Dental Scaling Is Done?

First, large pieces of calculus are removed with various devices. Then, small stones are cleaned with fine-tipped tools. Finally, polishing material or paste is applied to the tooth surface for a smooth and bright appearance.

When Is Dental Scaling Applied?

Dental scaling can be done in the following cases:

  • When discoloration occurs on the teeth,
  • When calculus occurs,
  • Inflamed gums that cause severe bad breath,
  • In cases of redness, bleeding and swelling in the gums,
  • In cases where gingival recession is observed…

How Long Does Dental Scaling Take?

Although the duration of treatment varies from patient to patient, it can last between 30 and 45 minutes on average.

Why Is Dental Scaling Important?

Dental scaling, which is an application that improves general oral hygiene, prevents the formation of tooth decay and gingivitis. Cleaning the tartar prevents the formation of plaque on the teeth and helps to gain an aesthetic appearance. It helps to solve bad breath problems.

Does Sensitivity Occur After Dental Scaling?

There may be cold and hot sensitivity after the procedure. In patients with advanced calculus, swaying can be seen in the teeth after the calculus is cleaned.

What Should Be Done After Dental Scaling?

Solid and liquid food should not be consumed for one hour after dental scaling. In order to prevent tartar and stains, cigarettes, tobacco products and coffee that cause tooth discoloration should be reduced. It is important to repeat the treatment regularly at 3 or 6 month intervals.

What Are The Prices Of Dental Scaling?

Dental scaling treatment prices vary from clinic to clinic. The dental scaling treatment price recommended by the Turkish Dental Association (TDB) is 560 TL including VAT. 

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