Tooth Extraction (with digital anesthesia)

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Ortalama Tedavi Ücreti:

 1.500 - 2.000 TL

What Is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the process of removing damaged/rotten teeth from their sockets in the bone after anesthetizing.

How Are Tooth Extraction Done?

Before tooth extraction, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be extracted and the ratio is matched. Then the numbness provided by the anesthesia is checked. If sufficient drowsiness is achieved, the shooting process begins. The dentist removes the tooth from its socket in the bone with the special pliers for this job.

When is Tooth Extraction Applied?

Tooth extraction is performed in the following cases:

  • In teeth that have advanced decay, cannot be saved by root canal treatment, and have excessive material loss,
  • In traumatized, broken teeth,
  • Teeth that were tried to be saved with root canal treatment but failed.
  • In teeth that are shaking due to gingival diseases,
  • In non-falling milk teeth,
  • In teeth that cause cyst or tumor formation,
  • In teeth that are not in the correct position,
  • In teeth that create an obstacle in front of orthodontic treatment…

How Long Does Tooth Extraction Take?

How long the tooth extraction will take may differ from patient to patient. On average, it takes 20 minutes to extract a tooth.

What Are The Challenges of Tooth Extraction?

It is normal to experience pain after tooth extraction. In addition, symptoms such as swelling and pain when the mouth is opened and closed can also be observed. In addition, although rare, infection may occur in the shooting area.

What Should Be Done After Tooth Extraction?

It is important to follow the dentist's instructions closely after tooth extraction. If pain is felt after tooth extraction, pain relievers recommended by your doctor should be used. It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene as of the next day. Mouthwash should be used and teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day. In addition, dental floss should be used regularly.

During the first hour after the shooting, excessive talking, eating and drinking should be avoided. During the first day, patients are advised not to rinse their mouth or brush their teeth. In addition, pipette and smoking are not recommended as long as there is bleeding.

What Are Alternative Treatments to Tooth Extraction?

As an alternative to tooth extraction, filling treatments, veneer treatments and root canal treatments can be considered to save the tooth.

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